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Writer's pictureTil Further Notice

How We Chose The Name "Til Further Notice"

“Til Further Notice” was first written on a dry erase board in our Denver apartment about two years ago. It was our goal to Explore, Create and Inspire once we hit the road in our new full time RV life and we needed a name for our mission. We were about to tell family and friends about our crazy plans and it felt like we were commanding the world to stop so we could hop off. We were excited and scared all at the same time and it helped to be reminded that nothing in life is permanent and so we prefaced our announcements with the tagline “Til Further Notice”.

“Until” and its abbreviation “Till” would have been more proper but the URLs for both were already spoken for. “Tilfurthernotice” had one less syllable and it rolled off the tongue like honey so we bought it. Since that day it has become our logo, brand and mantra as we negotiate our way through this unconventional lifestyle. ’Til Further Notice is a mindset that has helped us move forward in times of great internal and external uncertainty. It reminds us that the best we can do is to make decisions for the moment we are living and have faith that we can adapt to any changes that come our way. Oh, and by the way TIL is an acronym for “THIS IS LIFE”.


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